
小兵张嘎 完结 | 12集

原著: 未知 主播: 徐光耀
类型: 儿童读物
更新时间: 2017-06-01

《小兵张嘎》的详细内容________   故事发生在1943年,抗日战争最凶狠冷酷的一段时间,冀中广大平地的白洋淀长时期被日寇吞...详细介绍>>

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《小兵张嘎》的详细内容________   故事发生在1943年,抗日战争最凶狠冷酷的一段时间,冀中广大平地的白洋淀长时期被日寇吞占。鬼不灵村的张嘎,是个机智勇敢而又调皮捣蛋的小男孩。中华听书网他和祖母拯救援助了我八路军侦察连钟连长。鬼子进村搜查逮捕时,钟连长为尽力照顾人民,挺身而张的网,祖母为掩护八路军被东洋鬼子诛戮。张嘎为了给祖母复仇,加入了八路军。在部队上层的培育和教育下,张嘎进步提高很快。他与侦察员罗金保扮装侦察,生擒了胖移译;多次随队加入战斗,俘获敌人武器。 The story happened in 1943, the war of resistance against Japan"s most vicious cold for a period of time, the existed the ground by Japanese aggressors baiyangdian long period TunZhan. Ghost of a ZhangGa, ineffective village wit and courage and mischievous little boy. Listen to the ShuWang he and grandmother save the eighth route ZhenChaLian aid I ZhongLianChang. Entering the devil, ZhongLianChang search arrested for trying to take care of people, stand and zhang"s nets, grandmother to cover the eighth route army by the Oriental ZhuLu devil. ZhangGa in order to give grandmother revenge, joined the eighth route army. In the top of the cultivation and education troops, ZhangGa progress soon improve. He and the scout LuoJinBao dress-up reconnaissance, captured fat YiYi; DuoCi with the team, captured enemy weapons into a fight.   ____
