
画魂潘玉良 完结 | 37集

原著: 石楠 主播: 牟云
类型: 通俗文学
更新时间: 2012-02-08

《画魂潘玉良》的详细内容________  一名中国女画家的传说人的糊口!孤儿:小妓女:小妾:刘海栗的门生:浪迹巴黎罗马的穷画家:中国无尚艺术学府的传授:20实...详细介绍>>

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《画魂潘玉良》的详细内容________  一名中国女画家的传说人的糊口!孤儿:小妓女:小妾:刘海栗的门生:浪迹巴黎罗马的穷画家:中国无尚艺术学府的传授:20实际享誉世界画坛的大匠。孤儿——小妓女——小妾——艺术的追求者——中国无尚学府的传授——世界艺坛有名的艺术家。能够设想吗?为人的总称进献了数目多美的财产的星座,倒是个从烂泥淖中挣扎进去的泛泛的女人。古今中外的经传中,她总算一个非常特此外典范。它靠近于神话,却又是确切不移的真实!一个没有受过最根本的正轨教诲的倡寮男子,在艺术上得到那么大的事迹,在艺坛上赢得那么高的名誉名誉,可以设想她在艺术上付出何等费力的休息,在曲折的门路上履历了多少困难险阻。本书细润刻画了一代画魂潘玉良传说的一生。A Chinese woman painter legend life!!!!! Orphans: the little whore: perhaps concubines: LiuHaiLi students: Paris Roman poor roaming painter: China"s supreme art universities professor: 20 actual world famous great artisan of painting. Orphans-small prostitutes-perhaps concubines-seekers of art--China"s supreme universities professors--made by the world famous artist. Can imaginary? Is the floorboard of the contribution of the wealth of the number of the beautiful, is a sign from the mud pit struggled out of the ordinary in the woman. The ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign unknown, she succeeded in a very special typical. It close to the myth, but is true true! A had no formal education is the most basic of brothel woman, in art performance, big then get in on made by the popularity of the high reputation from then, can imaginary in art to pay her how hard labor, the smallest courtesies along the rough roads of experienced several difficult blocks. Renew the book painted a generation HuaHun PanYuLiang legend life. ____
